oh! sorry lost in my imagination again!
let me point this out in the word Christmas! Christ.
Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ!
but it seems Jesus has been lost in the crowded, busy world of Christmas.
it went from Jesus, to st.nick, and now Santa. and Santa it will stay.
ok back to my point.... Jesus was born on December 25, so he could die on Good Friday he died for you, and then he rose once again on Easter!!!
Let's now go with the official definition of christmas, & christ.
thanks to dictionary.com
1 the annual festival of the Christian church commemorating the birth of Jesus: celebrated on December 25 and now generally observed as a legal holiday and an occasion for exchanging gifts.
1 Jesus of Nazareth, held by Christians to be the fulfillment of prophecies in the Old Testament regarding the eventual coming of a Messiah.
ok so now that we have the meanings, lets dig in!
well lets see what Christmas means to a NON CHRISTIAN, and the reason we're doing this, is because most things today turn out to be non christian.....
bright lights, presents, and good old Santa Claus.
food&visiting with the family.
well there you have it!!!
and, i personally think it comes across as all about Gifts!
why can't we all just sing christian Christmas carols, the ones that glorify God!
and tell the story of Jesus being born!??!??!?? ok well, i guess i know WHY.
because people don't BELIEVE. i find that faith, is the biggest problem in this world.
because people don't trust, and put their faith in God, they never get the chance to really experience what God can give them.
OH NO!~!~!~! i went off on another subject! geez, why can't i keep one subject going?
oh! well, ill pick up on dis subjct l8r, blessings!
+Flamingo Pink+
the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament (used chiefly in versions of the New Testament).
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