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do not copy header/button design, as i designed it and that design is mine. :)

Friday, November 26, 2010

TAGGED!!!! =D by:allyssa, at

my favorite....
clothing: well, im guessing she means type of clothing, so probly anything with glitter, or a print of some kind.
color: i really like silver & turquoise together.
hair style: i like most of my hair back in a high ponytail, with the rest curled.
food: choclate =D!!!
drink: coke
type of soda: mug rt beer
blog: well im guessing she means my blog, well im pretty sure your on it!
flower: geraniam or lilac
tree: my fav TREE???  maple
my biggest pet peeve: when people leave the door open.
my biggest fear: being rejected by my friends.
fav. animal: cats, and not just the house pets, i mean the big ones to!
fav. holiday: oh wow! how am i supposed to choose a fav.? haha LOL!
ummmm.......does my b day count as a holiday? :p probly Christmas, or Easter, Christmas.

now people i tag:
pastor girls ponderings HERE!
 aspire click here for an experience of a life time! (Lol)
free to be me..... dunt dunt duhhhhh!!!!
basically dell! the awesome blogger award should go to this blog!!!!! =D
1 more........
Olivia bell, at, well, just click    CLICK CLICK CLICK!!!!!!!!!!!
 here are your ques., people i tagged,,,,,

fav thing to do
your biggest fear
least fav food
least fav color
fav hangouts
fav online hangouts
birthday? (if you feel comfortable giving that away)
least fav thing to do
(dang this is hard....)
biggest pet peeve
any sports???
(and yes, dance counts in my book....)
fav books
fav music
fav music artist
fav bird (purple finch here!!! hehe)
fav word
catch phrase???
life motto???

thanks for listening! now get answering!!! =p
+Flamingo Pink+

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