Do Not Copy

do not copy header/button design, as i designed it and that design is mine. :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

check out my new header!!! and our verse of the day, looking in isaiah

you guys like my new header??? i made it myself and it took LOTS of time!!!
i like it, it says what my blog really is about, or the main title/subject.
k, lets take a look at our verse of the day, isaiah 1:1.
1 The vision concerning Judah and Jerusalem that Isaiah son of Amoz saw during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

now i guess theres really no point in that verse, so let's keep reading.....

isaiah 1:2
2 Hear me, you heavens! Listen, earth!
   For the LORD has spoken:
“I reared children and brought them up,
   but they have rebelled against me.

now thats a good verse in my opinion!

+Flamingo Pink
lets live life not loud, not proud, but holy.

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